22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

List of Posters

List of Posters

Poster boards are in portrait format. When preparing your poster, please remember that its maximum size is 100 x 150 cm (width x height). Thus, suggested sizes are 70 x 100 cm (B1) or 84 x 120 cm (A0).

Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT  poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

Please print your poster on paper and avoid different materials (e.g., tissue). Double-sided adhesive tape will be available in the poster area.

The number of each poster abstract and of its corresponding poster board is provided below. Posters can be mounted in the morning and need to be removed at the end of the poster session.

Session I: NOM and HS for a sustainable and resilient agriculture

PI.1 Said Baroud (Agadir, Morocco)
Effect of brown algae as biofertilizer materials on pepper (Capsicum annuum) growth, yield, and fruit quality

PI.2 Giacomo Chiarelli (Ferrara, Italy)
Effect of amendment supply on grapevine nutrient uptake and root growth: a rhizobox approach

PI.3 Joana Cupi (Bologna, Italy)
Fate of sequestered soil organic carbon in a long-term field experiment shifting from perennial to annual crops

PI.4 Francesco De Mastro (Bari, Italy)
Influence of soil management on stabilization of organic carbon

PI.5 Angelica De Ros (Legnaro, Italy)
Determination of water-extractable organic carbon content combining high temperature catalytic combustion and VNIR spectroscopy

PI.6 Naceur Djébali (Hammam-lif, Tunisia)
A new organic biofertilizer improves potato growth and production and soil properties

PI.7 Agnieszka Grabusiewicz (Limerick, Ireland)
Humin isolated in DMSO/H2SO4 from the Long-Term Broadbalk experiment

PI.8 Satang Hussanun (Lampang, Thailand)
Advantage of humic acid condition on morphological changes and yield in melon

PI.9 Michal Kalina (Brno, Czech Republic)
The effects of biochar application on the physicochemical and (micro)biological characteristics of soil and growth of Zea mays in a model pot-cultivation experiment

PI.10 Gyumin Kim (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Exploration of indicators for compost maturity dynamics using resin fractionation of dissolved organic matter and fluorescence spectroscopy

PI.11 Jaturong Kongwutthivech (Lampang, Thailand)
Increasing cation exchange capacity (CEC) in acidic soil with chelating properties of humic acid from Mae Moh leonardite for sustainable agriculture

PI.12 Andrii Melnyk (Sumy, Ukraine)
Increasing stress tolerance of mustard when using growth regulators under modern climate changes in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

PI.13 Hiarhi Monda (Gilbert, USA)
Assessing the coating combination of potassium chloride with commercial sub-bituminous coal extracted humic substances on maize plant growth

PI.14 Irina Perminova (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Antioxidant activity values of narrow fractions of fulvic acid separated by RP-HPLC rise up along with a drop in components polarity

PI.15 Ramom Rachide Nunes (Recife, PE, Brazil)
Investigating organic molecules responsible for auxin-like activity of dissolved organic matter fraction extracted from vermicompost

PI.16 Mohammad Rahbari (Alvinston, Canada)
Improving the agronomic efficiency (AE) of supplied nutrients with fulvic acids

PI.17 Pere Rovira (Solsona, Spain)
Commercial humates derived from residual lignin-rich plant materials: yields, chemical characteristics and value as enhancers of plant growth

PI.18 Mirella Santos (Gilbert, USA)
Oxidative stress and molecular responses induced by humic acid during root development

PI.19 Reza Shahryari (Ardabil, Iran)
Increasing of environmental drought stress tolerance by use of potassium humate in bread wheat

PI.20 Prasad Trichy Ganesh (Bengaluru, India)
Specific bioassays differentiate relative direct bio stimulatory effects of Humic Substances formulations

PI.21 Mikki Twiggs (Gilbert, USA)
Synthesis and characterization of carbon dots from oxidized sub-bituminous ore humic acid

PI.22 Jerzy Weber (Wrocław, Poland)
Changes in humin fraction properties as a result of over 100 years of different soil fertilization

PI.23 Jerzy Weber (Wrocław, Poland)
Soil organic matter stability in the after 180-year long Broadbalk  fertilization experiment as evaluated by δ13C and δ15N

PI.24 Claudio Zaccone (Verona, Italy)
Combining drone-based multispectral remote sensing with soil analysis for a resilient agriculture to climate change

PI.25 Daniel Zandonadi (Gilbert, USA)
Shoot to root signaling: foliar spray of humic acids enhances root growth via concerted H+-ATPase and NADH Oxidase activation

Session II: NOM and HS to fight climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss

PII.1 Serafim Chukov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Humic substances as a stable form of carbon in the bio- and lithosphere

PII.2 Jane Karanja (Nakuru, Kenya)
Climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss mitigation and adaptation in Kenya

PII.3 Djamila Larbi (Skikda, Algeria)
Climate warming and preservation of biodiversity in Algeria

PII.4 Daniel Moro (Udine, Italy)
Mitigation ability of humified organic matter towards soil salinity and sodicity

PII.5 Juliana Schultz (Curitiba, Brazil)
Biochar: a way to combat climate change

PII.6 Ameen Umar (Bauchi, Nigeria)
Investigating the intersection of animal welfare and climate change within Yankari game reserve, Bauchi State, Nigeria

PII.7 Tarcisio Wolff Leal (Curitiba, Puerto Rico)
Improved carbon capture: customized treatment strategies & simulation of biochar in fixed bed columns

PII.8 Jianming Xu (Hangzhou, China)
Decoupling and re-coupling of soil C, N and P cycles after wildfire in boreal forests

PII.9 Claudio Zaccone (Verona, Italy)
Is soil organic carbon always responsible for the anomalous greenhouse gases emissions recorded from the Antarctica permafrost?

Session III: NOM and HS in the aquatic systems

PIII.1 Viia Lepane (Tallinn, Estonia)
Influence of urban environment on dissolved organic matter HPLC- revealed characteristics in River Emajõgi, Estonia

PIII.2 Hang Nguyen (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Changes in characteristics of dissolved organic matter in surface water and their formation of regulated/unregulated disinfection by-products under photo/biodegradation

PIII.3 Hind Zarzoun (El Jadida, Morocco)
Characterization of liquid effluents and study of the feasibility of adsorption on activated carbon to improve pre-treatment discharges in seawater desalination

Session IV: IHSS travel and Malcom award recipients

PIV.1 Mackenzie Bowden (Boulder, USA)
Species identification and preliminary source attribution of aqueous pyrogenic organic compounds after wildfires

PIV.2 Shelby Buckley (Boulder, USA)
Inferring the molecular basis for dissolved organic matter photochemical and optical properties

PIV.3 Elli Castonguay (Columbia, USA)
Mine drainage remediation using modified brewer’s spent grain: an adsorbent and carbon source for sulfate-reducing bacteria

PIV.4 Vinicius Cerveira (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Humic Acid as a corrosion inhibitor of Zn-based Coatings

PIV.5 Rakiely da Silva (Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil)
Humic substances modulate the dynamics of biochemical defense responses in Citrus sinensis

PIV.6 Maria Ferreira Vicente (La Garde, France)
Two-photon spectroscopy of black carbon and humic substances: a new tool for understanding their interactions

PIV.7 Giorgio Galluzzi (Verona, Italy)
Time and climate as driving factors of SOM pools dynamics

PIV.8 Laura Gismero Rodríguez (Seville, Spain)
Effect of soil management: impact on the quality of humic material and microbial communities

PIV.9 Francisco Javier Górriz Nagore (Pamplona, Spain)
Synthesis, chemical characterization and agronomical evaluation of a new humic acid based fertilizer composite

PIV.10 Chen Huang (Jena, Germany)
Dissolved organic matter dynamic in subsurface soil seepage in forest and grassland during  snowmelt presented ecosystem-specific response in a case study in Hainich Critical Zone

PIV.11 Kinga Marecka (Wrocław, Poland)
Effect of extraction process on humic and fulvic acids antioxidant properties

PIV.12 Thalles Menezes (São Cristóvão, Brazil)
Degradation of natural organic matter in natural waters by the electro-Fenton process using CoFe2O4/NOM as heterogeneous catalyst

PIV.13 Suelen Mondek (São José do Rio Preto, Brazil)
Evaluation of humic-like substance derived from sugarcane bagasse and vinasse as an additive in foliar fertilizer for tomato cultivation

PIV.14 Oluwatoyin Ogayemi (Ile-Ife, Nigeria)
Structural and elemental characterization of humic substances transformation during vermicomposting and its comparative effect on nutrient availability on cowpea rhizosphere soil

PIV.15 Itauane Oliveira de Aquino (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Long-term pasture alters carbon stocks and organic matter dynamics in Brazilian Southwestern Amazon

PIV.16 Michael Osunde (Ile-Ife, Nigeria)
Characterization of bioactive substances present in crude extract of mycoherbicides produced from co-culture of rhizosphere fungal isolates

PIV.17 Gabriella Rodrigues (São José do Rio Preto, Brazil)
Evaluation of contact time in the system hydrochar-soils for tomatoes growth

PIV.18 Dyessica Santos (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
The impact of rice cultivation in subtropical hydromorphic soils on the organic matter depends on the soil class

PIV.19 David Sirucek (Jevicko, Czech Republic)
Organic-based soil conditioner as the possible way for remediation of soil properties - simulation of the process in soil using the laboratory sequential leaching experiments

PIV.20 Di Tong (Hangzhou, China)
How do soil viruses exert impacts on the soil carbon cycle under anaerobic? The ubiquitous but neglected part

PIV.21 Sergey Vladimirov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
In situ surface and deep subsurface washing approaches to diesel fuel contaminated grounds using humic substances and membrane technologies

PIV.22 Lidiya Yudina (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
Study of the influence of mechanical processing on the redistribution of rare earth elements in brown coals

Session V: NOM and HS for environmental remediation

PV.1 Martina Klučáková (Brno, Czech Republic)
Effect of organic matter and minerals on the immobilization of pharmaceuticals in soils

PV.2 Elisabetta Loffredo (Bari, Italy)
Bioenergy byproducts as sustainable tools to mitigate soil pollution

PV.3 Aleksandra Ukalska-Jaruga (Pulawy, Poland)
Sorption of organic contaminants by stable organic matter fraction in soil

PV.4 Petra Závodská (Brno, Czech Republic)
Transport of tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole in the real soil column

Session VI: NOM and HS, and waste biomass management in a circular economy scenario

PVI.1 Luciano Cavani (Bologna, Italy)
Evaluation of nitrogen release and effects on the soil microbiome of organic nitrogen fertilizers obtained from wet white and chromium tanned leathers

PVI.2 Maria Eva Giorgioni (Bologna, Italy)
Use of peat-free media including composted industrial wastes for the pelargonium pot growing

PVI.3 Marco Grigatti (Bologna, Italy)
Unlocking the potential of organic waste for phosphorus recycling: a study on anaerobic digestates and composts

PVI.4 Marco Grigatti (Bologna, Italy)
Impact of simple and combined compost/chemical nitrogen fertilizer application on GHG emissions from soil: an incubation experiment

PVI.5 Otavio Leal (Jülich, Germany)
Cascade-use of miscanthus biochar: priming effects on soil organic matter of three agricultural soils estimated by δ13C-CO2

PVI.6 Daniela Pezzolla (Perugia, Italy)
Unraveling organic matter dynamics in thermophilic anaerobic digestion of biopolymer films

PVI.7 Claudio Zaccone (Verona, Italy)
Carbon sequestration in vineyard: biomass utilization in a climate change scenario – The SUSTAIN project

Session VII: Frontiers in NOM and HS research

PVII.1 Attila Csicsor (Litér, Hungary)
Humic substances as good antioxidants?

PVII.2 Joao Vitor dos Santos (Norfolk, USA)
Investigating nitrogen immobilization into lignin during biomass oxidation

PVII.3 Marios Drosos (Potenza, Italy)
Soil humeome - a monitoring tool for soil health sustainability

PVII.4 Alisa Lisna (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Comparative characteristics of gastric mucosal regeneration in rats after application of Ibuprofen and Prednisolone while using Humilid

PVII.5 Maria Louloudi (Ioannina, Greece)
Biochar-Carbon as a cocatalyst matrix for H2-production from HCOOH by a Fe-catalyst

PVII.6 Rebecca Matos (Leipzig, Germany)
Structural elucidation of DOM using advanced analytical approaches

PVII.7 Etelvino Novotny (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Unveiling humic substances and natural organic matter IHSS standards chemical structure by combining TGA and FTIR techniques

PVII.8 Miloslav Pekař (Brno, Czech Republic)
Soil peptization studied by ultrasound spectroscopy

PVII.9 Irina Perminova (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Quantitative molecular analytics and structure-property modeling as a basis for intellectual design and applications of humic materials

PVII.10 Carlo Porfido (Rutigliano, Italy)
Customized sample preparation for TXRF analysis of soil organic matter and amendments using a multivariate experimental design

PVII.11 Pere Rovira (Solsona, Spain)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of soil organic matter: a study in Pyrenean grassland soils

PVII.12 Davide Savy (Portici, Italy)
Novel humic-based nanomaterials as antioxidants and carrier of genetic material for RNAi-mediated pest control strategies

PVII.13 Tannis Serben (Sherwood Park, Canada)
Effects of growing conditions on microbiological growth and diversity

PVII.14 Thomas Sibille (Freiberg, Germany)
Quantum chemistry thermocalculations: enhancing the understanding of carbon stability in anoxic ecosystems

PVII.15 Liliya Stepchenko (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Methodology for evaluating the efficacy of humic substances for productive animals

PVII.16 Rolf Vogt (Oslo, Norway)
Factors governing site and charge density of dissolved natural organic matter

PVII.17 Claudio Zaccone (Verona, Italy)
Formation of organo-Fe (oxyhydr)oxide interactions during the first stages of Martian regolith terraforming: a step forward

PVII.18 Anastasiia Zhirkova (Moscow, Russian Federation)
The synthesis of 57Fe labelled ferric hydroxide stabilized with humic substances and its use for in vivo studies on iron deficient rats