22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024



Important dates

Registrations open: 15 February 2024

Abstract submission deadline: EXTENDED TO 10 May 2024

Payment with early bird discount: 31 May 2024

Payment deadline regular fee: 31 July 2024

Registration and costs
  Early bird fee
(until 31 May 2024)
Regular fee
(until 31 July 2024)

*Fee reserved to regular members (2024) of IHSS.
**Master or Ph.D. students. To benefit from this discount, a confirmation must be provided by the direct supervisor (further details are available during the registration procedure).
***The fee includes: welcome party, meals and coffee breaks at the Congress venue.

 Regular member* € 440 € 520
 Regular non member € 490 € 560
 Student** € 250 € 320
 Accompanying person*** € 250 € 320

The registration fee entitles participants to:

  • access the 4-day scientific congress
  • participant's kit
  • welcome party
  • meals (lunches) and coffee breaks at the Congress venue

N.B. Excursion to Urbino–Gradara on Wednesday, 28 August, costs 70 EUR. Gala dinner at Repubblica di San Marino on Thursday, 29 August, costs 80 EUR. Availability for the dinner is limited to 150 participants; you are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible


Early registration rates are available until 31 May 2024. Payment is possible by bank transfer (please take into account that the date of bank transfer receipt will be considered). Further details about the payment procedure are available through your personal myIHSS2024 area, after signing up.

Cancellation policy

  1. Registration fees will only be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received by the Organizing Committee until May 31, 2024.
  2. Cancellations between June 1 and July 15, 2024, will be refunded by 50%.
  3. Cancellations after July 15, 2024, and no-shows are not eligible for a refund.
  4. There is no reason (including but not limited to illness) for registration cancellation that makes the above-mentioned deadline for cancellations inapplicable.

Abstracts can be submitted exclusively through your personal myIHSS2024 area; you will need to sign up for an account to have access to this area. Participants can submit one or more abstracts. Abstracts can be submitted only by the presenting author.

The abstract submission deadline is 10 May 2024. The organisers will then review the received abstracts for oral or poster presentations.

Abstracts guidelines:

  • Title. The title must start in uppercase and continue in lowercase, except for conventional terms (ATP, DNA, NFκB, etc). Example:
        This title is written correctly
         This Title is Not Properly Written
  • Authors. If more than one author (but only in that case), underline your name (the presenting author, in whatever position you appear in the author list) and use commas to separate the author names; do not use 'and' before the last author. Write your name and surname in full; for any other authors use initial(s) for the first name(s) followed by the surname. If more than one affiliation (but only in that case), use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution. Example:
       Mario Rossi1, J. Doe2, F. Bloggs1,2
       1Dept Biomembranes, Golgi & Veratti Univ., Pavia, Italy
       2Dept Bioblast Analyses, Altmann Univ., Leipzig, Germany
  • Abstract text. Keep the abstract text to within 2500 characters, spaces included (which is roughly equivalent to 300 words).


Poster boards are in portrait format. When preparing your poster, please remember that its maximum size is 100 x 150 cm (width x height). Thus, suggested sizes are 70 x 100 cm (B1) or 84 x 120 cm (A0).

Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT  poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

Please print your poster on paper and avoid different materials (e.g., tissue). Double-sided adhesive tape will be available in the poster area.

The number of each poster abstract and of its corresponding poster board is provided in the Posters page. Posters can be mounted in the morning and need to be removed at the end of the poster session.