22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024

22nd Meeting of the
International Humic Substances Society

Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024



Workshop Herambiente

"The valorisation of biodegradable materials in the production of organic fertilisers"

Tuesday, 27 August 2024 • 15:30-17:00 [Sala Orologio]


Prof. Claudio Marzadori – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

Speaker 1: 15:30-15:40 Presentation of the Hera Group
Maurizio Giani - Director of Marketing and Initiatives Development

Speaker 2: 15.40-15:50 Presentation of Herambiente Spa
Pier Paolo Piccari Ricci - Biodegradable Material Valorization Manager – Herambiente Spa

Speaker 3: 15:50-16:00 The supply chain for the production of soil improvers
Valentina Passabì - Biodegradable Material Valorization sales - Herambiente spa

Speaker 4: 16:00-16:10 The supply chain for the production of correctives
Massimo Fossi - Biodegradable Material Valorization specialist – Herambiente Spa

Speaker 5: 16:10-16:20 Research and testing on the use of organic fertilisers in extensive crops
Prof. Marco Grigatti – University of Bologna

Speaker 6: 16:20-16:30 Research and experimentation on the use of organic fertilisers in fruit growing
Prof. Moreno Toselli – University of Bologna

Speaker 7: 16:30-16:40 Research and experimentation on the use of organic fertilisers in the horticultural sector
Prof. Maria Eva Giorgioni – University of Bologna

16:40-17:00 Discussion & Conclusions